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Be the Dancer of Your Dreams

Updated: Aug 16, 2021

Do you involuntarily move in rhythm when you hear an upbeat song? Have you ever imagined yourself “killing it” in front of a wild, cheering crowd? Perhaps you hope to master trending TikTok challenges overnight?

While there are various genres of dance you may be interested in, the steps to mastering different dance routines are surprisingly similar!

Are you a jazz, hip-hop, tap, k-pop, or contemporary music enthusiast? Or maybe just a shy new member of the dance community who wants to learn some new moves? Then buckle up because you are in for a ride!

You can start with these important steps as you learn your favorite dance routine!

Step One: Listen to the song repeatedly! You must know the music by heart in order to master the dance! Become familiar with the melody and lyrics of the song. Eventually, you will become one with the music through constant streaming.

A great tip is to choose a beginner’s level choreography of a song you already enjoy listening to! This way, you could easily skim through the first step! You can find great choreographies by making good use of the YouTube search engine. Some recommended channels include One Million Dance Studio, Imlisarhee, Matt Steffanina, and Ellen and Brian.

Step Two: Follow along dance tutorials to learn the basic movements of each choreography. If dance tutorials are not available, you can play the choreography video at a slower speed. As you do, watch out for signature movements that define the dance.

Observe the choreography from different angles. Focus on the flow of the steps, then on the arm and leg movements.

Lastly, observe the facial expressions of dancers. You may notice that they reflect the emotion, flow, and rhythm of the music differently. Mirror their movements and expressions!

If you are taking an in-person dance class, watch the choreographer from, literally, different angles. Watch from the front then from the back! You will notice something new each time.

Step Three: Practice, practice, practice! Get used to the choreography by going over the parts that are the most difficult. Run it over in your head until you could practically perform the routine in your sleep!

For all you k-pop lovers out there, you could start by shadowing the dance moves of your favorite k-pop group! Depending on the difficulty of your dance routine, it may take anywhere from two weeks to three months to master the choreography of your choice. Easy choreographies for beginners are “My Oh My” and “Starships” created by 1 Million Dance Studio. More challenging routines include “Monster” and “Good 4 U” created by Kyle Hanagami.

Step Four: Showcase your routine! You don’t have to be a pop star to capture the audience. You can join a local dance club or dance in front of your friends or family members. You could even film yourself and upload your own dance videos on different social media platforms! Confidence is key! You’ve got this!

Remember to be open to feedback, and not to take yourself too seriously. There's always room for improvement.

Want to take one step closer to achieving your dream?

Click here to download Dreamfora for iOS or Android and add the customized plan “Master a Dance Routine.” Dreamfora will set you up with a comprehensive set of daily tasks, habits, and milestones for you to follow. Start planning now with Dreamfora!

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